Kids rate this a “10” on the gross-out meter due to the subject matter, but it is surprisingly delicious!

1 Devil’s Food Cake mix
1 yellow cake mix
2 large packages instant vanilla pudding
1 package vanilla sandwich cookies
12 small tootsie rolls
green food coloring
1 new small kitty litter pan and 1 new kitty litter scoop (washed)

Prepare cake mixes and bake according to box directions. Cool. Prepare pudding mixes and chill. Crumble sandwich cookies in small batches in food processor. Set aside all but 1 cup of cookie crumble. To that cup, add a few drops of green food coloring and mix well. Crumble cooled cakes into large bowl. Toss with half the white cookie crumble. Add pudding. Combine gently. Put the mixture into the litter box. Top with remaining white cookie crumbles. Sprinkle green-tinted cookie crumbles on top of that. Heat tootsie rolls in microwave until soft and pliable. Shape ends so they are no longer blunt, curving slightly. Push a few down into cake. Place others on top of cake. Hang some over the side of the litter box for a realistic look. Place box on a newspaper for a truly disgusting look. Serve with the kitty litter scoop.

Deb Sobolewski, Sand River