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The Power of Grassroots

Electric co-op consumer-members can help shape rules and laws that keep electricity reliable, affordable and environmentally responsible. Electric co-ops often ask their consumer-members to get...

Governor Says ‘Work Together On Energy, Environmental Issues’

Adaptability has to be the foundation of every energy decision we make,” Gov. Rick Snyder said in his December message on energy and the...

Proposal 3 Is a Power Grab

It was a privilege for me to serve as Michigan’s Attorney General for 37 years. During that period of service to the people of...

Constitutional Change for All the Wrong Reasons

Michigan voters should think twice about supporting the renewable energy ballot proposal, a constitutional amendment that would lock energy policy into the state constitution...

The Choice Is Clear

In the coming weeks, electric co-op members throughout the state will be bombarded with print, radio and TV advertisements on the initiatives that will...

Co-op Electric Meters Are Different

The meter your co-op uses to measure the electricity you consume is different from what other utilities use. For over eight years, Michigan electric co-ops...

Summer Desserts Recipes Due by April 1

Share your favorite “Summer Desserts” recipe with us by April 1 and you could win a $100.00 credit on your electric bill. Plus, there’s...