Cover Story

Neighbors Create New Plow to ‘Bully’ Winter

Tired of being “bullied by the snow,” Paul Starner and Jerry Schichtel, of Traverse City, decided to fight back. They created the Snow Bully, a...

Michigan’s Bookmaker

Chad Pastotnik’s alchemy is half art, half toil. The fine-bookmaker must baby ancient machines, negotiate literary translations, conduct workshops, and fulfill international speaking engagements. In a recent...


If you’ve ever visited Mackinac Island, there is a familiar sound unique to the gorgeous vacation destination—the clip-clop of horse hooves along the streets....

Music to Our Ears

So many of us have fond memories of art and music classes in our school days. So often, it was a chance to decompress...

Visit State’s Newest Shipwreck Museum: West Michigan Underwater Preserve

In the calm waters of Lake Michigan, north of White Lake, John Hanson emerged from the depths, his form taking shape in the bubbles...

Sanctuary Ranch

It’s daybreak at Sanctuary Ranch in Stanwood, Michigan. Ryan Bollman, general manager, takes his first sip of coffee long before the first rays of sunshine flicker...

Fish Carver Extraordinaire!

Where most people see a cedar fence post, Dave Kober sees a trout. Or a perch. Or maybe even a turtle or a frog. Kober...

Asparagus Reigns in Michigan

In the second week of June, Oceana County, also known as “The Asparagus Capital of the Nation,” gears up for its annual Asparagus Festival....

It’s A Wild Ride

When you think about horse competitions like hunting, jumping, and equitation, it conjures up images of primly dressed riders in their velvet riding caps,...

Going to the Edge for Perfect Shots

She’s dangled over an icy wall and rappelled its glassy facade, come dangerously close to the edge of several cliffs, and inched along narrow paths in the pitch-black...

Holiday Treats Recipes Due By Sept. 1

Share your favorite “Holiday Treats” recipe with us by September 1 and you could win a $100.00 credit on your electric bill. Plus, there’s...