Cover Story

Art On Ice

When she was younger, Stephanie Miller wanted a career in education—art, to be exact. She never became an art teacher, but she most definitely...

Keeping Soil Healthy: Gypsum’s Role In Agriculture And Electricity

We can grow more food, but we can’t grow more land. So, how do we protect our planet and get the most out of...

It Really Does Take A Village

In rural Guatemala, not far from the border with Mexico, is a tiny village called Buena Vista and it is just that—a “good view.”...

Camp Grayling: Michigan Is Home To World-Class Training Center

Northern Michigan is a destination for outdoor lovers—paddlers, campers, fishermen and cross-country skiers—and for military convoys carrying camo-clad soldiers to the largest National Guard...

Michigan’s Bookmaker

Chad Pastotnik’s alchemy is half art, half toil. The fine-bookmaker must baby ancient machines, negotiate literary translations, conduct workshops, and fulfill international speaking engagements. In a recent...

Sunken Treasure: Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary

The eerie romance of a shipwreck is something that seems saved for epic adventure novels or blockbuster Hollywood movies. But just off the coast...

Home is Where the Art Is

Coined the largest open art competition in the world—Grand Rapid’s ArtPrize has made its mark on the art world. It has been covered by...

Meet Michigan’s First Lady of Energy

Often referred to as Michigan’s “Energy Czar,” Valerie Brader chuckles at that moniker. She appreciates the respect, but prefers the title that Gov. Rick...

Michigan’s Iron Man

While he makes his living from his 37-year-old business, Moran Iron Works, Tom Moran has had a second career as a teacher. His first...

Doak’s New Course: Double The Fun

A golfer’s bucket list of courses likely includes “Top 100” links by golf course architect Tom Doak, such as Pacific Dunes in Oregon and...

Holiday Treats Recipes Due By Sept. 1

Share your favorite “Holiday Treats” recipe with us by September 1 and you could win a $100.00 credit on your electric bill. Plus, there’s...