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Use Your Own Money: How To Start Your Child On An Allowance

A teen magazine caught my daughter’s eye in the store recently. She wanted it, but not enough to spend her allowance. This is exactly...

Babysitting Co-ops: The Sitter Solution

As a parent, your calendar is likely filled with field trips, soccer games, dance recitals, music lessons, pizza parties, and more. How come your...

Give Thanks: Kids Who Practice Gratitude Grow in Health, Happiness and Learning

My grandson D.J. performs a trick these days that makes us all melt. His dad calls out, “D.J., you’re welcome.” To which D.J. chirps,...

Park, Picnic & Play: Family Friendly Places to Enjoy The Outdoors

Nothing embodies summer more than a casual picnic. Mention it to your kids and they instantly smile. There’s just something magical about eating food...

Eat Together

How to reclaim the tradition of eating together at the family table. These are busy days and most are over-scheduled with family members headed in...

Decisions, Decisions: Michigan’s Expanding Public School Choices

Researchers estimate the average adult makes about 35,000 decisions a day. If that’s true, I’d guess that parenting decisions add a couple thousand a...

A Blizzard of Kindness

No one will forget the “big one” of March 2nd, 2012. Over 2 feet of heavy, wet snow fell overnight throughout northern Michigan, and...

Top Finds In Toys

Some seasons feel like life in fast motion. Long before Labor Day, my little granddaughters have dog-eared catalogs of coveted Halloween costumes. Now, almost...

The ‘Gift’ of Dyslexia

When one of her children struggles with reading, Beth Danaj-Burke knows her options for assistance. The teachers, websites and resources available are vast for...

Summer Fitness For Bodies and Brains

It’s July…do you know where your kids are? According to a new report, too many are indoors, eating junk, and losing ground in school. Pointing to...

Holiday Treats Recipes Due By Sept. 1

Share your favorite “Holiday Treats” recipe with us by September 1 and you could win a $100.00 credit on your electric bill. Plus, there’s...