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What is an ‘AMI’ System?

PIE&G’s Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) system is the latest technology available to utilities to improve the level of customer service, reliability, and outage response....

What’s New?

By Tom Sobeck, President and CEO In my last article, I provided an update on all the activities underway at your cooperative, including our new...

Where Iron Meets International Manufacturing

Tom Moran is a special breed that may have been born for entrepreneurship. “I don’t believe in stress for myself,” said Moran. “I love a...


Tom Sobeck, President & CEO What do these three years all have in common? Each represents a significant milestone for PIE&G and the citizens of...

Old Acquaintances New Beginnings

By Tom Sobeck, President & CEO Old acquaintances, new beginnings, I feel the same way every January as I look back on the past year...

2020 In Review And Looking Ahead To 2021

By Tom Sobeck, CEO As I begin to put my thoughts together for this update, I always look back on last year’s letter as a...

PIE&G Communities First Fund Awards $17,561 In Local Grants

Presque Isle Electric & Gas Co-op members continue giving generously through their voluntary round-up of change on their electric and natural gas billings to...
Cheboygan County Fair

Cheboygan County Fair

Where can Michiganders find family-friendly summer fun, including a tractor pull, a large children’s petting zoo, pony rides, lawnmower races, food vendors and a...

Modernizing Our Aging Power Grid For The 21st Century: AMI

PIE&G is committed to providing our members with electricity that is both reliable and affordable. To continue doing that, we must make improvements to bring...

Get Involved In Your Co-op

Co-ops are self-governing organizations controlled by their members, who actively participate in setting policies and making decisions. Men and women serving as elected representatives...

Sandwiches & Wraps Recipes Due by May 1

Share your favorite “Sandwiches & Wraps” recipe with us by May 1 and you could win a $100.00 credit on your electric bill. Plus,...