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Serving Our Members Amid COVID-19

Your energy cooperative has taken action to meet the challenges of serving our membership during this unprecedented time. This is what we want you...

PIE&G Awards $23,372 In Local Grants

Presque Isle Electric & Gas Co-op members continue giving generously through their voluntary round-up of change on their electric and natural gas billings to...

PIE&G Communities First Fund Awards $23,000 In Local Grants

Presque Isle Electric & Gas Co-op members continue to give generously to assist area community organizations and individuals through the voluntary round up of...

PIE&G Awards $14,500 In Scholarships To Area High School Graduates

Pictured above: Rogers City High School students Amanda Wirgau (left) and Daniel Bielas (right) each received a $1,000 scholarship from PIE&G. CEO Tom Sobeck presented...

Knaebe’s Apple Farm & Orchard

When visitors step onto Knaebe's Mmmunchy Krunchy Apple Farm each year, they discover a “wonderful sensory overload for all things fall in the best...

Bringing Aging Power Grid Into 21st Century: AMI

PIE&G is committed to providing our members with power that is both reliable and affordable. To continue doing that, we must make improvements to...

Directors Approve $2.470 Million In Refunds To Members

Capital Credits from 1987–1988 and 2002–2003 to be retired. At their April meeting, PIE&G’s board of directors authorized approximately $2,470,000 in capital credit retirements. Members...

Rate Adjustments And The Transition Into The 21st Century

By Tom Sobeck, President & CEO Each year as the financial audit of our operations nears completion, I start to wonder, will this be the...

Get Involved In Your Co-op

It's time to nominate potential directors. Co-ops are self-governing organizations controlled by their members who actively participate in setting policies and making decisions. Men and...

Exciting Challenges Ahead In The New Year

By Tom Sobeck, President & CEO Last January, my article “Taking Stock—With Much Appreciation” reflected on our past accomplishments. This year, I’m looking ahead to...

Sandwiches & Wraps Recipes Due by May 1

Share your favorite “Sandwiches & Wraps” recipe with us by May 1 and you could win a $100.00 credit on your electric bill. Plus,...