Home Safety


Guns & Power Lines: Tips To Stay Safe

Shooting guns near power and transmission facilities (including wires, poles and insulators) is dangerous to you and jeopardizes everyone’s power. Here are tips to...

Plant the right tree in the right place

  Before you plant a tree, look up and look out. Use this handy infographic to guide your planting decisions.  
Kid plugging in power cord

10 Electrical Safety Tips For Kids

When children are old enough to understand rules, then it’s a good idea to have house rules around electrical safety. Make sure that an...

6 Tips For Safe Holiday Decorating

Before you hang it, inspect it Carefully inspect all electrical decorations before you use them. Cracked or damaged sockets and/or loose or exposed wires can...

How To Prevent Electric Shock Drowning

Each year, 3,800 people in the U.S. die from drowning. Electric shock drowning occurs when an electric current escapes boats, docks, and lights near marinas, shocking...

Thunderstorm Safety Tips

When thunderstorms are rolling your way, stay safe with these helpful tips from the American Red Cross: Listen to local news or NOAA Weather...

6 Portable Generator Safety Tips

Keep it outside NEVER run a generator indoors or in partly-enclosed areas, such as garages. Using a fan or opening doors and windows will not...

Check Your Boat, Dock, and the Neighbor’s, Too

Almost one-half of Michigan is comprised of water, so its easy to see why Michigan boasts a thriving recreational industry and leads the nation...

DANGER! Outlet Overload

Every year, U.S. fire departments respond to an estimated 25,900 home electrical fires. These fires cause an estimated 280 deaths, 1,125 injuries and $1.1...

How to Prevent Electric Shock Drowning

Each year 3,800 people die from drowning. Electric shock drowning occurs when an electric current escapes boats, docks and lights near marinas, shocking nearby swimmers....

Holiday Treats Recipes Due By Sept. 1

Share your favorite “Holiday Treats” recipe with us by September 1 and you could win a $100.00 credit on your electric bill. Plus, there’s...