A NEW and exclusive online cooking community for our electric co-op members.

MI Co-op Kitchen is a place to share your recipes and food ideas with lots of other like-minded members. You will also get a chance to win awesome prizes.

In every Country Lines issue, members can submit recipes online for a chance to win a $50 electric bill credit. While that’s pretty cool by itself,
there’s more! We will print the winning recipe in Country Lines (complete with a professional photo of the dish), and create an instructional “how to” video for micoopkitchen.com.

Ready to pull up a seat?
Great! Go to micoopkitchen.com and register.

Please submit your favorite “Dessert” recipes by July 1.


  1. Couldn’t find the “Question of the Month” which was:
    “Where can you get the best burger in Michigan?”
    Answer: Murph’s Tavern in Barryton, Michigan. They use MacKersie’s hamburger; can’t be beat anywhere.

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